Sunday, September 23, 2012

Accessing the Morphogentic Field of Creativity

Painters and Open Studio Enthusiasts,
You are invited to please sign up on the blog site: for the newsletter and other announcements as there are some exciting workshops, retreats and articles that you have expressed interested in receiving. There are two workshops on creativity, both very different, coming up before the holidays that could change fundamental dynamics in relationship patterns as well as how you create your New Year.
Many of you know of the work that I have been doing with Krista Jarrard in San Diego called Systemic Family Constellation Work which has been incredibly transformational in releasing old patterns that no longer serve me. I have never participated in this kind deep experiential group process which was so healing to attitudes and beliefs that I have been wanting to change for years. It is especially thrilling to see how it relates to creative process and the on-going work at Anavami Center with the Emerging Cosmological Mythology.
I am excited to announce that Studio Anavami will present Krista Jarrard facilitating the highly experiential, and innovative weekend workshop "Constellating Creativity, The Circle Outside the Box" in our studio November 17 & 18. Krista will be offering students and studio friends special introductory pricing.
I highly support you in joining us in this exciting new Constellation format focused on working with issues of creatives. I will let Krista tell you about the work that she will be doing here in November.

Thank you Majio for the invitation to work with your gifted students and studio friends. I know everyone will have a memorable experience as we explore the creative issues of the participants through the art of the Constellation process. I am excited to share my new format of utilizing the Constellation to access the hidden solutions available in any creative endeavor. Accessing the energetic Morphogenic Field through the Constellation Circle immediately puts one "outside of the box" in relation to seeking creative solutions, and insights, in a highly experiential, profound manner. 

Since the Constellation Work is an art, not a technique it can be utilized to address any deep issue. Just as you set up a canvas to receive your inspiration and creativity, we "set up" what wants to be represented for an issue to be addressed. This is done in the sacred container of The Constellation Circle.  Amazingly whatever we set up comes to life in the circle through the participants that are chosen Representatives for elements of the issue.

The group experiences a visceral holographic representation of the theme or issues of the Constellation.  The movement within the Constellation works on a deep level inviting expansive perspectives where fresh solutions are brought to light. You just have to come experience to begin to comprehend the implications, and profound outcomes of the work.

What to Bring: issues of life purpose, creative pursuits, projects, plans, visions, dreams, archetypes, etc.
and, a journal for break time reflections.

Click Here for more details and register now to take advantage of early bird discount. Contact Krista at 760-645-3435