Tuesday, June 16, 2015

JULY 17-19 Wild Woman Workshop

In this workshop we will consider the Unuit story of SKELETON WOMAN as a guide for creative process. Creativity can be sustained and is most inventive when the feminine principle is in balance with the masculine. In the story there are underlying themes of trust and expectations around relating to the masculine principle. This is reflected in our personal stories, but also most dramatically in the world in which we live.

To be clear, it is not male but the masculine part of all of us that holds the structure of the rational, expediency and the material. The feminine principle brings in the heart and the intuitive. Both are needed to cultivate and sustain creative process.

In Skeleton Woman, a father throws his daughter into the sea or the unconscious out of anger or in some stories he sacrifices her to save himself. In our world the feminine has been sacrificed in the name of production and commodity and we are paying globally for that imbalance of resources of the planet.

Through the Skeleton Woman story, we will explore our relationship to the internalized masculine qualities, which do and do not support our creative process and what it takes to trust and be supported by the masculine principle. Myths, fairy tales and stories are a powerful way to explore and update our own mythology in an engaging and imaginative way.

Our workshops require no experience or skill in the arts, only the interest in reflective play and willingness to step into your authenticity.