Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Post Open Studio Tour Notes


Thank you to all of you who had the opportunity to come by the Tannery for the Open Studio Tours. There was an abundant turnout through the first weekend of sunshine and the second one of rain. I had some fascinating conversations which strengthens my view that the arts like every other institution in our country and eventually the world are on the brink of some radical shifts. And as you know if our conversation drifted in that direction, I believe, people want the art process back in their personal lives. Those of you that read this newsletter or blog and/or came through on the studio tours are already in the choir.

Often, however, we do not realize the stimulus that is needed until after it happens, like the incredible creative growth that was stimulated by the Beatles' burst into the music scene. This time it may not be the content delivered by superstars, but a grassroots movement that is budding. We are going to experience some extraordinary changes in the art world in the next few years. They are already afoot so look at your own life and dreams to see how important the mythopoeia process is in relation to who you are becoming.
I want to thank all of you who made a point of responding to me personally about my painting images. It was hugely important to me, as I tend keep my work in my own little world. Thank you to those of you that bought sale paintings! With that specially earmarked money I have a good beginning to again explore the world of monoprinting and will keep you informed about that journey.